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For gold analytical laboratories using Fire Assay, Photon Assay and PAL methods, it is important to periodically evaluate accuracy and precision within the laboratory, benchmark performance against other labs and, where applicable, maintain ISO17025 accreditation. Participation in a proficiency testing program is an easy way to achieve this.  IMStandards is a manufacturer of Certified Reference Materials based in Perth, WA.  We have designed a suite of CRM products tailored for the PA and PAL methods.  The CrushedCRMTM products are a -3mm chip material in a ready to use 500g package for routine Quality Control.  The benefit of CrushedCRMTM  is the treatment of controls are the same as a routine sample. 

As part of the certification of a number of new batches of CrushedCRMTM, IMStandards is conducting an international round robin exercise for all PA and PAL users.  The PT program is also applicable for fire assay where the contribution to uncertainty from sample preparation is of interest.  The previous round was conducted in mid-2022.  In this round, participants will receive samples to analyse, and once all participant results are received, a report will be provided – and all at no charge to you.  Requests to participate will close on 6th April 2024. 

To participate in the round robin, complete the form from the link below (copy and paste the link into a browser)

Further information can be sought by emailing

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