IMS has developed proprietary techniques to produce crushed ore certified reference materials (CRM), typically manufactured at –5mm in 2kg units. As an ISO 17034 accredited producer of crushed ore CRMs, our crushed CRMs are produced with similar variances to traditional pulverised CRMs, whilst also testing the sample preparation stage.
Many clients wish to have custom-made matrix-matched material sourced from their mine sites. This ensures the CRM is representative of the sample preparation and analytical parameters particular to that deposit. We also have off-the-shelf crushed CRM occasionally available.
Our superior processing capabilities have seen IMS entrusted by all major iron ore producers in Australia for manufacturing crushed ore CRM, as well as crushed CRM for the bauxite and mineral sands industries. Applications also include other bulk commodities.
For further details, send us an email at or go to Contact Us via the website.
Independent Mineral Standards – Complexity to Certainty